

This article was published in Guardian, under the section "Comment is Free". For a research, I need more comments, please comment on it.

My sister, who wears a veil, was verbally abused by a stranger this weekend. What should she say to the people who insult her?

by Riazat Butt

Wednesday August 27 2008 11:00 BST

My sister has worn a face veil for six years. She lives in Birmingham, where it is common to see women shrouded in black, however the sight is more unusual in Southampton, where my parents live and where, at the weekend, my sister was called "a ninja woman".

This insult is neither the most hurtful – "fucking terrorist freak" – nor the most spurious – "Osama-lover" – to have been levelled at her over the years. But it wasn't the name-calling that really rankled her and me.

We challenged the man who made the remark, he denied saying it, even though he said it as I was passing him. My sister called him "a lying bigot", which is all she could muster on a Sunday afternoon in Primark, en route to Clark's to have her children fitted for new shoes, but she delivered it rather splendidly, to the bemusement of shoppers who, if they hadn't noticed her before, suddenly found her rather interesting. Her children asked why mummy was shouting at a man.

She left Primark in a foul mood, and sitting in Clark's with three children who kept complaining about being bored/tired/hungry was not the best way for her to calm down. Later, rushing to the car to avoid a parking ticket, she told me she could handle the stares and the insults but not the lies. She always made a point, she said, of walking up to people and asking them why they had called her names. The response was either silence or denial. Perhaps they were surprised she could speak English or even hear them through the cloth. She said:

People never say things to your face, they always say them once they think you're out of earshot. That's what gets me. When you bring them up on it, they deny saying anything or they look in the other direction. Men are the worst.

My sister wears a face veil because it is something she wants to do. She knows not all Muslim women feel the same and she is not on a mission to force others to adopt the same dress code as her. She is not breaking the law. She is, as she sees it, minding her own business, being a mother and bringing up her children. My question is: the next time someone calls her a name, how should she respond?


Mehmet Hayri Zan said...

kardesin hakli. isim takilmasindan daha korkunc olan yalanla isin icinden cikilmasi. deli eder insani bu, cunku bu yalanla farkli olan icin kurulmus kapan topluca gormezden geliniyor; hatta kendiliginden mesrulastiriliyor. tam da burasi anlatma, kendini soyleme ihtimalinin bittigi yer. sozun bittigi yerde caresizlik, caresizligin basladigi noktada ise ofke hortluyor tabii olarak.

mazlumun ofkesine kulak vermeyi ogrenmek gerekir. mazlum, ofkesine kulak verdirmek icin mucadele etse gerekir.

Anonymous said...

Açıkcası insanların dine karşı özellikle de islam dinine karşı çok büyük ve aşılması çok güç bir ön yargısı var. Kardeşinin yaşadıklarının benzerini ben de yaşıyorum. Üstelik ben henüz toplum içerisinde baş örtüsü kullanarak gezen birisi değilim. Ancak inançlarım yüzünden ailemin ve çevremdeki insanların tepkisini topluyorum. Neden benim sadece Allah'ın rızası için Allah'a ibadet etmem hoş görülmüyor? Bir insanın inançlı olması onu yobaz mı kılıyor?
Daha da önemlisi herkesin dilinde olan modernlik aslında bir ateizm ve de hoşgörüsüzlük örneği olarak mı algılanmalı?
Bunlar cidden çok ama çok önemli ve toplumun yanlış anladığı konular.
Diyebilirim ki kardeşinin bu insanlara karşı söyleyeceği herhangi bir söz veya yapacağı herhangi bir reaksiyon insanların ona olan bakış açısını öyle kolay kolay değiştirmeyecek. Öncelikle insanlara, İslam dinin ne olduğu, başörtüsünün kullanılış amacı, ibadetin İslam dinindeki yeri vs. konularındaki bilgiler anlatılmalı.
Yoksa kardeşin onların gözünde erkek toplumu tarafından ikinci sınıf vatandaş olarak görülen ve yine erkeklerin baskılarının bir sonucu olarak baş örtüsü takmış bir ninja benzetmesi olarak kalacaktır. Ben de insanların dinimizin farz ibadetlerini yerine getirerek boş işlerle uğraşan, okumuş ama okuması bir işe yaramayıp yüz yıllar öncesinin boş inançlarına kapılmış yobaz birisi olarak anılmaya devam edeceğim.
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